About Us
The crew of "The most beautiful smile in the world"
Our team consists of students from all over the world,
who met in Tallin, Estonia.
The director and assistant director study together at the Macromedia University in Munich (Germany) while the producer and cameraman come from Macromedia in Berlin. The remaining team was formed through the four main responsible people's semester abroad at the "Baltic Film, Media and Arts School" in Tallinn, Estonia.

Our team

Sophia Albrecht
Sophia Albrecht studiert Filmregie an der Hochschule Macromedia in München (Deutschland).
Sie ist seit Jahren in der Holocaust Gedenkarbeit und als Jugendleiterin bei den Pfadfindern aktiv. In diesem Rahmen drehte sie Zeitzeugeninterviews, organisierte Livestream-Gedenkveranstaltungen, drehte eine Videoreihe zum Thema "1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland", organisiert Zeitzeugengespräche und Vorträge an Schulen und seit 2022 leitet sie eine jährliche Jugendbegegnungswoche zwischen Jugendlichen aus Deutschland und Israel, welche sich gemeinsam mit dem Holocaust beschäftigen. Sie sammelte schon einige Erfahrungen bei mehreren Kurzfilmdrehs in und um München. Als Nebenjob arbeitete sie bei der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde in München und bei den Bavaria Filmstudios.
In ihrer Arbeit als Regisseurin möchte sie sich weiterhin Themen aus der Jugend- und Gedenkarbeit widmen.

Pavel Penev
Pavel Penev comes from Bulgaria and moved to Berlin (Germany) to study at Macromedia University. Before that, he worked for the video production of the improv theater “andundpfirsich” in Switzerland from autumn 2021 to summer 2022. Pavel has experience in production not only through student projects, but also from his work at “Solent Film”, one of the largest production companies in Bulgaria. In the summer of 2022 he was able to help with advertising productions with more than 60 people on site. There he learned how complex the production machine really is and how it needs to be oiled.
Pavel's goal is to return home at some point to shape the film industry there. His passion lies in storytelling. He believes that films have the power to change opinions and values. “With the right resources and the right know-how, you can convey any perspective to anyone, no matter what side of the fence you are on.”

Anna Pesch
Assistant Director
Anna Pesch is studying film directing at the Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in Munich (Germany) since 2022. Before that, she studied Mediascience for two semesters at the University of Regensburg.
She has worked in a few short films so far and was able to gain experience in the areas of screenwriting, directing, camera, camera assistance, sound and post-production. She has also been part of projects as an actress.
Anna has been active in youth work for several years, which is why children and this project are very important to her.

Robin Csodó
Robin Csodó is studying film directing at Macromedia University Berlin. Since 2019 he has been making short films, a YouTube series, and a film series with his student filmmaking community, the Strong Youth Production. In 2019, he studied screenwriting at NeoArt Film Academy, a film school in Hungary. He has two published books. Between the end of 2020 and the autumn of 2021, he worked for the German local TV channel Offener Kanal Wettin as part of the ESC program. Besides filmmaking, he is passionate about teaching and empowering young people. After his return home, he participated in several events promoting the ESC and other EU programs to his generation. His passion is not only to convey value through his films but also to give young people the opportunity to develop and express their ideas about our world.

Vlad Hadjiev
Head of Technicians
Vlad Hadjiev grew up in the Czech Republic, with Bulgarian heritage, moving to Munich in 2015. Initially preparing to study mechanical engineering, he began taking interest in naturalist, capture-the-moment photography, which led him to studying Post-production and Cinematography at Macromedia University Munich starting in 2019, in order to unite his technical prowess with the ever growing need to express oneself creatively. Since then, he has mainly concentrated on short-form fiction and advertising, while also testing the waters in television and documentary filmmaking. He is currently engaged in an advisory position at the Macromedia Munich Rental house, also conducting the camera, lens and support gear maintenance there.